Endowment Commons

Advancing Minority
Wealth Creation

Intentional. Generational. Transformational.

For the First Time,

there is a complete portfolio of private and public market strategies aimed at solving the racial wealth gap.

And, for the first time, there is a central solution leveraging those strategies to solve the racial wealth gap in a largescale way.

The Endowment Commons is a one stop shop to advance minority wealth creation

There is no other mission-aligned, complete portfolio solution in the market

Our Holistic Investment Approach includes:

  • Hand-selected portfolio investments to address minority wealth creation
  • Providing capital to diverse managers and diverse strategies
  • Professional management with a compliance and ESG focus

Asset Stratification

Small Cap Private


Mid Cap Private


Large Cap Public Equities


Private Credit


US Fixed Income


Real Assets


Small Cap Public Equities


Venture Capital


Hedge Funds


We provide a sustainable marriage of finance and social impact.

Every dollar invested goes towards the mission.

Our Model

The model uniquely aligns the programming and investment sides of the house around the mission: advancing minority wealth creation. Every dollar contributed is directed towards that mission.

Donations either go towards the mission-aligned programs of minority ethnic associations and similar organizations or into mission-focused funds that grow the pool entering the programs.

Every dollar contributed is directed toward our mission of advancing minority wealth creation.

Examples of Programs We Support

Advancing Black Entrepreneurs

Urban Tech Jobs Program


INTENTIONAL. One stop shop where both sides of the house advance the mission: minority wealth creation.

GENERATIONAL. Provides sustainability to key programs of national ethnic associations and supporting organizations. 

TRANSFORMATIONAL. Changing society by investing in diverse business owners and leaders.

Sustainable programming to create increasing value over time

The Endowment Commons…


Moves select nonprofit organizations away from constant fundraising and the insecurity of that dependency


Does not require ongoing financial support of organizations


Is designed to create increasing value over time, with future returns and funding directed towards the programs of highest impact